New Account Setup

Please complete all fields and upload the requested documents (in PDF or JPG format) to create a new ML Schedules™ Software user account and related Group(s).

Class Description
District Groups District Staff Members and School Groups
For-Profit Groups Profit Making Organizations
Non-Profit Groups Not for Profit Organizations
Special Use Agreement Youth Club Organizations

User Information


Group Information

If you are an internal staff member who will be submitting requests on your own behalf (i.e. not for a group, team, club, etc), use your first and last name as the Group Name.

Additional Group Information

External / Outside Groups: Upload the Group's Certificate of Insurance and its Expiration Date.

The undersigned organization requesting use of the Brownsburg Community School Corporation facilities as noted in this contract. I have the authority to legally bind this organization and hereby obligate the organization to provide liability insurance coverage in the amount of at least $1,000,000 and to indemnify the school district and hold it harmless from any liability arising from our use of the school district property. The user's organization will be responsible for any and all damages to the school district property arising from our use. 
Additional Group Files